Scanned Text Editor 1.0 All the ideas and discussions
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Definately improve the help! Before you try to charge $75. This program working smoothly with good help and a few other advances will be worth $75, maybe more. But currently it is beta, though you don't say so. You have much work to do. More and bett

The video is a joke, I could have figured that out, if I can get it to select and move objects as you depict. How do you get to that point, that is just some of the help we need. What do the settings to separate text and background mean, how do they work? How do you get the text and background to separate? What does it look like when you do? I get a yellow grid over part of it and it moves a border around, that I did not intentionally select, but nothing else. I cannot select a line of text like you did in video, I was successful in only selecting a few parts and I could not get them to move from one part of the document to another either by drag and drop or copy/cut and paste. Like I said, I got a yellow grid over half of the page, I think the grid belonged to the border, but I could not get rid of it. Another thing that would be nice, is to be able to move the pictures on the page around. I'm not seeing that capability. The idea of this program is great, but until you get all of these things worked out and make several improvements you do not have a $5 program, little lone a $75.00 How about setting up Beta testers (people who use it for free and report back to you, you make changes, send it to tmem and they do it again, until you have a merchandisable product. GAOTD is a start, but it is better to contract with people who are willing to test it at each step of development.)Go after improving this product with all you can. If you don't want to do that, I suggest you sell it to a higher end software developer. You should be able to make a real nice deal on this very original idea.

CKOShea , 12.09.2010, 04:49
Idea status: under consideration


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